a bit about me

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I'm what I like to call a chronic new hobbyist. It may seem like I'm always getting myself into something new, but I genuinely love to learn and try new things. As proof, you could also say that I'm also a photographer, reader, runner, gamer, bartender, chef, potter, and as of late a crocheter. These only scratch the surface of what I enjoy.

I studied at Florida State University where bounced around from majorCivil engineering! to majorActuarial science, until I got my degree in Information Technology with a minor in Computer Science.

A few facts about me:

  • My favorite cocktail is a Manhattan
  • I'm a fan of Formula 1, cheering on Mercedes and Williams
  • You can view my photography at my other site, anw.studio
  • In 2023, I watched 84 movies
  • I love photography. I currently have a slew of digital and film cameras, and a walk-in flash tattoo of a camera on wrist. At the moment, my favorites are my new Mamiya 645 Super and my Contax G1.
  • I'm currently trying to improve on my reading habits. My last read wasMisery by Stephen King , and I'm currently reading Jurassic Park by Michael Crichton
  • I give credit to my interest in tech as a child having started with making userbars on RuneScape private server forums. It was how I started my path into graphic design, which led to HTML and CSS coding, onto my first websites and games.

You can also find me on the sites below, feel free to follow me!